
{30 days} of thankful : day 6

this {monday} was a difficult day to muster up gratitude. {is anybody else noticing the strong correlation between going to work and struggling to be thankful?} half a day later, i'm still having a hard time with this. i realize that this kind of day is the real challenge, to be thankful when there aren't many things in front of me that are easily seen as good.

as i've mentioned recently, there's a lot around me that is broken. i took my car in this morning for repairs; my washing machine is now taking 6 hours to wash a single load of clothes; clearly, everything about my job feels broken, including the lives of the clients i meet with.

today, i struggle to give thanks for ... the ultimate reality that life is about much more that we can see with our eyes. that we can have confidence in God's promise to restore that which has been broken. that Christ is already in the process of "making all things new" {revelation 21.5}.

i have 3 colorful butterfly prints hanging on my office wall. a 17 year old young woman remarked today that they are her favorite insects. when i asked her why, she told me about a time while in a wilderness program when she got to watch several caterpillars grow and transform into beautiful butterflies. for a brief moment, we marveled together at the imagery of new beginnings, of new life, that we see in butterflies. i am thankful for that shared moment, and for the wonder of new life.

katie anne

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